Hi. I’m Sameer Vasta, a snail-mail boy living in an email world. I'm an over-user of the discretionary comma.

I pass my time reading my never-ending stack of library books, writing letters to penpals, and exploring the urban landscape on foot.

If you'd like to get in touch, feel free to send me an email or find me on Mastodon.

Recent Posts

  • Water slide Feb 04
    It had been almost 30 years since I last went on a water slide.
  • Recommitting to handwriting Feb 04
    I don’t write in cursive anymore. I still do a ton of writing by hand—postcards and letters and even notes from work and life—but I inevitably write in block letters because they are easier and more comfortable, and mostly because I have fallen out of practice writing in cursive and don’t really know how to do it well anymore.
  • Media Diet: January 2025 Jan 29
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past month.
  • Demotion Jan 22
    This week, I returned to my job working in employee experience and organizational culture after six months of managing a team of talent and operations professionals. And I am relieved.
  • Re-entering Jan 09
    There are always things that can change to make things easier, to make the everyday more fulfilling. A period of reentry puts those things in perspective.
  • Things I learned these past few months Dec 29
    A quick roundup of a few of the things I learned over the past few months.
  • Media Diet: November and December Dec 28
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, music, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.
  • Snippets at the end of the year Dec 22
    This is most likely the last update I’ll be posting until 2025 — I’ll be spending the rest of the year celebrating with family and friends and thinking fondly about everyone that I love.
  • Maa Dec 11
    When I was young, still living in New York, I would often wake from my sleep, deep in the middle of the night, and wake up my grandmother.
  • On the way to the bus stop Nov 07
    On weekday mornings, early enough that the sun is still creeping up past the horizon, we bundle up in our jackets, grab the backpack, and walk to the bus stop.
  • Media Diet: September and October Oct 29
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.
  • Ask me what I am writing Oct 23
    If you do see me or correspond, feel free to ask me: are you writing? What are you writing about?
  • Things I learned these past few months Sep 29
    A quick roundup of a few of the things I learned over the past few months.
  • First day of school Sep 05
    School started this week, and I haven’t been this nervous or excited in decades.
  • Media Diet: July and August Aug 28
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.
  • Media Diet: May and June Jun 29
    A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.
  • Things I learned these past few months Jun 29
    A quick roundup of a few of the things I learned over the past few months.
  • Cold water Jun 25
    I’ve been thinking about “truths” I tell myself, about the narrative I construct about the things I like and do not like, the things I do and do not do, the way I am and am not.
  • Asparagus season May 23
    There is an asparagus farm a stone’s throw away from our house, and every spring, I’m so thankful that it’s there.
  • On poetry May 08
    Some time ago, someone asked me why I share poems on my website and newsletter when poetry is so easily accessible everywhere else.

Visit the archives for a longer list of recent posts or search the blog to find something in particular.