Entries tagged “books”

Media Diet: July and August Aug 28
A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.

Media Diet: May and June Jun 29
A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.

Media Diet: March and April Apr 29
A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.

Media Diet: January and February Feb 28
A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.

Recoding America Feb 22
Reading Jennifer Pahlka’s Recoding America was a perfect reminder of why I do the work I do. Pahlka provides a number of examples of how thinking differently about the way we deliver services leads to better outcomes for people, and how thinking differently requires having digital talent inside government.

Fat Talk Jun 21
Fat Talk is the book I needed to read, not just as a parent, but as someone who is fat.

How To Be Perfect Mar 28
The pursuit of perfection is an impossible one, and that’s something How To Be Perfect acknowledges: no matter how we strive for it, we will never achieve perfection.

When We Were Sisters Jan 11
My brother and I know that no matter what the circumstance, we can lean on each other to persevere, to grow, and to thrive.