Eight years ago
Eight years ago, if you were to have asked me what my life would look like in eight years, there are very few things I would have guessed right.
I wouldn’t have guessed we would move cities, buy a house in the suburbs, have a child. I wouldn’t have guessed I would have started a whole new organization within government and started a whole new path for my career in a field I had never explored before. I wouldn’t have guessed we would live through a pandemic, that I would need to get multiple surgeries for health issues, and that I would feel my age much more than I ever did before.
There is one thing I would have guessed right, because it is something I have known ever since that glorious day eight years ago when we got married: that I would be spending my every day, my whole life, with a woman who brightens up the world in every way. Eight years ago today, when we got married, I knew I was making a choice that would bring me joy for the rest of my life.
I celebrate that choice, and that day, today and every day.
Happy anniversary, my love.