Four years, together
For our anniversary this year, we are making dinner together.
Most of the time, we celebrate big occasions (and some small ones too) by going out for a nice meal—we’ll be doing a bit of that this weekend, not to worry—but today, as we celebrate four years together, we’re going to spend a quiet evening together: cooking together in the kitchen, eating together in the dining room, chatting and reading and drinking tea together by the fireplace.
These are, after all, the things that bring us joy every day: cooking together, eating together, spending time in each others company, no matter where we are. As we celebrate four years of being married, we’re also celebrating a lifetime of togetherness: relishing the fact that we love each others’ company, and celebrating the realization that, despite our strongly independent lives, we are happiest when we do things together.
Four years ago, I promised the woman I love that we would have countless and endless adventures together. What I knew then is what I know now: that when we are with each other, every minute spent together is an adventure. Today, I celebrate four years of being married to the best woman I know, and look forward to a whole life ahead of togetherness, and all the adventure that togetherness brings.
Over the years: